Workers from about 30 fast food restaurants in the East Bay rallied for higher pay yesterday, demanding $15 an hour, nearly twice as much as California's $8 an hour minimum wage. For reference, Burger King Chief Executive Officer Bernardo Hees makes $4,015,619 with salary and investments, Chief Executive Officer of Yum! Restaurants David C. Novak (KFC Corporation/Pizza Hut are a part of Yum!) makes $14,168,355, and Chief Executive Officer of McDonald's Corp Donald Thompson makes $13,751,919 with his salaries and investments, according to figures from Forbes and BusinessWeek.
It would take 1,771,044 fast food workers paid at California's minimum wage, $8 an hour, one year to equal what Novak takes home annually.
Here are some tweets and other "touts" from the strike, which was part of a national movement.
Tout video via Jane Tyska, @Tyska on Twitter.
Twitter Hate
Hey Fast Food workers, $15 p/hr base pay is more than a 5 year @USMC Sergeant's base pay. You tell US who deserves more. #FastFoodStrike
— VHL (@VeteransHockey) August 30, 2013
#FastFoodStrike: #fastfood work and jobs is not supposed to be a career morons! #TCOT#TGDN
— MarineVet (@SteveHa_rris) August 30, 2013
Twitter Love
@ThebookofIblis I would pay it work is #stress 4 #jobs and #people should help people #FastFoodStrike#iamradioactive
— v (@vinnievidiv) August 30, 2013
It is about time these workers woke up. Soon, this strike will spread all across the nation. #FastFoodStrike
— Taylan_Gadfly (@taylan9i) August 30, 2013
If you work hard, you should not be living in poverty http://t.co/v4yM87oGfR#FastFoodStrike#1u
— Mary Kay Henry (@MaryKayHenry) August 29, 2013
Thank you #fastfoodstrike USA #829strike Your lives and families are important! Of course u deserve to live! With you all the way... <3 <3
— Teri Armitage (@teriarmitage) August 30, 2013
Gettin' Sassy
So if we pay McDonald's baristas $15/hour will they actually make my drink right?! #nosugarplease#stopruiningmycoffee#FastFoodStrike
— Amanda Seymour (@amandrianorange) August 30, 2013
Fast food chains could pay workers more & save money by replacing meat with really shitty meat... Oh wait. #FastFoodStrike
— Adam McKay (@GhostPanther) August 30, 2013
Striking in Oakland
Fast food rally #oakland#FastFoodStrikepic.twitter.com/ERq0rRUVAO
— Eric Alfaro (@cirelafaro) August 30, 2013
Fast food worker strike with Barbara lee in Oakland #FastFoodStrike#oaklandpic.twitter.com/JxSLiyiuev
— Eric Alfaro (@cirelafaro) August 30, 2013
Tout video via Jane Tyska, @Tyska on Twitter.