Psychic Dream Astrology
Sept. 18-24, 2013
March 21-April 19
You've gotta let go, Aries. There's being strong willed, and then there's being daft, and you know which side of that fence you wanna be. If things continue to not flow in your present direction maybe it's time to change course. Let what's not working in your life point you towards what needs tweaking this week.
April 20-May 20
Growth sometimes comes through struggle and if you shut down every time a crappy thing happens, how will you gain the benefits? Make peace with the demons at your door by accepting that they're here and requiring your attentions, Taurus. This week you need to keep your head in the game, pal.
May 21-June 21
Let lessons learned in your past guide you in the now. You are poised to have successes culminate in several areas of your life this week, but you need to heed one warning to get the best of what your life has to offer; don't stop working hard just because things are going well now. Action trumps reaction, Gemini.
June 22-July 22
Acting in intentional ways will get the best results this week. You are on the precipice of major change but the best way to create situations that you're happy in is by not rushing headlong away from, or towards things. Decide what will make you happy and pursue that, Moonchild.
July 23-Aug. 22
Your point of view is changing, even if your situation is not. This week you may have to change course, Leo, and that may require that you make peace with some newfound perspectives. It is far better to change your mind if that means being true to yourself, than staying consistent if that has become disingenuous.
Aug. 23-Sept. 22
Patience, prudence, and faith will lead you where you need to go this week. You are both at an ending and smack dab in the middle of a major transition this week. Don't jump to conclusions, Virgo, because they will not be based on the whole picture. Let things reveal themselves to you and hold your ground in the meantime.
Sept. 23-Oct. 22
This week you are likely to find out that you dodged a bullet some time in your recent past. As you look back and see that something you thought was a loss was actually a win, let that inspire you to have greater faith that even the things that look like they suck right now might turn out to be fabulous later.
Oct. 23-Nov. 21
True leadership requires assuming responsibility that takes into account the needs of the whole. This week you will be greatly rewarded if you take the time and energy to consider what will bring the most joy and harmony to your life and the lives around you. Happiness trumps winning, Scorpio.
Nov. 22-Dec. 21
If you come on too strong you will stir up opposition before you really begin, Sag. Being truly open requires that you are receptive to the feelings and needs of others, even if what's going on for them doesn't make sense to you. For best results, stay present and don't try to fix, corral, or convince this week.
Dec. 22-Jan. 19
Stay grounded, Capricorn. No matter how upsetting things appear, you do not have all the information you need yet, and you cannot properly assess your options, or even your needs. Nurturance and kindness are the gems that will support you to get in touch with your much-needed inner strength this week.
Jan. 20-Feb. 18
Freedom is sometimes won by knowing which battles are worth the effort and which are better to concede. Know yourself deeply enough to gauge where there is value in fighting, and what is just your pride (which, BTW, tends to go before a fall). Invest in the adventure and vibrancy of your life and let the other stuff alone for now.
Feb. 19-March 20
It's a great time to innovate and conjure up new ideas, but it's not so good to try to implement them, Pisces. You are in a great space for opening yourself up to possibility, but that doesn't mean that all your ducks are in a row and you're ready to start the action part of your plans. Hold off this week.
Jessica Lanyadoo has been a Psychic Dreamer for 19 years. Check out her website at to contact her for an astrology or intuitive reading.