Thursday 4
San Francisco Mime Troupe: Oil and Water Dolores Park, 18thand Dolores, SF. 2pm, free. This free performance by San Francisco's beloved Mime Troupe actually incorporates two shorter plays, Crude Intentions and Deal with the Devil. Dealing with issues such as climate change, pollution, water scarcity and fossil fuel dependence, the plays involve a poisoned rainforest river, a senator mysteriously murdered in his office and, true to life, an oil refinery ablaze in the Bay Area.
Saturday 6
Laborfest bike tour of historic SF 518 Valencia, SF. (415) 608-9035, noon-4pm, donation suggested. Led by local author and activist Chris Carlsson, this bike tour will delve into San Francisco's working-class history, featuring stops at landmarks and tales of dozens of epic battles between owners and workers, culminating in the 1934 General Strike and its aftermath. Join this event for a different look at San Francisco labor history and a new perspective on San Francisco.
Sunday 7
Innocent! The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal 518 Valencia, SF. 2-6pm, free. You may or may not know the story behind the campaign to free America's most famous political prisoner, former Black Panther and revolutionary journalist, Mumia Abu-Jamal. But whatever your level of knowledge, here's your chance to hear from experts including Rachel Wolkenstein, investigative attorney for Mumia; family spokesperson Bob Wells; Oakland Teachers for Mumia and ILWU organizer Jack Heyman of the San Francisco longshore union on the West Coast port shutdown organized in defense of Mumia.
Walking tour: Empires, Kings, and Labor Cable-car turnaround, Powell and Market, SF., 11am, free. Join this hour and fifteen minute tour of Union Square and surrounding blocks, where one can learn the history of labor struggles that unfolded in San Francisco. Tour is led by David Giesen.
Monday 8
Chinatown walk Portsmouth Square, Washington near Kearny, SF. 10am, free. Join SF City Guide Mae Schoening in a walk through Chinatown to learn about Chinese labor history in California, where discrimination by governments and unions, sweatshops, housing issues and other problems have shaped experiences throughout the decades. Learn how immigrant labor struggled for fair treatment while mining gold, building railroads, and working in the garment and building trades. Meet inside Portsmouth Square Park in front of Parking Garage Elevators adjacent corner of Walter P. Lum Place and Washington.