Day turns to nightlife with Adult., Disco Daddy, Sunset Island, Daytime Realness, more partiesThe shining: Adult. flash a razor's edge Fri/13marke@sfbg.comSUPER EGO Vampires beware, or at least grab a...
View ArticleTropical impressions
A few picks from YBCA's New Filipino Cinema 2014cheryl@sfbg.comFILM We're neck-deep in local film festival season right now — which, yeah, is kind of 12 months out of the year around here, but the SF...
View ArticleAnxious art
Striking 'Masterpieces of Polish Cinema' at the PFAI>Ashes and Diamonds arts@sfbg.comFILM Poland had not been a major hub of film production in the early decades of the medium, and its industry...
View ArticlePuff piece
Music-manager doc 'Supermensch' doth gush too muchShep Gordon with Anne Murray in an archival photo from Supermensch: The Legend of Shep Gordon.arts@sfbg.comFILM Sometimes a movie can only be called a...
View ArticleShapeshifter
Oakland Afro-soul veteran steps out her own. Plus: Adios Amigo fights cynicism with Erasable Truth, and other local releasesZakiya Harris releases her EP at Awaken Cafe this Sat/14.PHOTO BY BETHANIE...
View ArticleLet's do lunch
TABLEHOPPING You'll want to add Aveline to your dining to-do list — and check out all these new options for lunch!Eat your vegetables (at Aveline).PHOTO BY ERIC WOLFINGERculture@sfbg.comRead more »
View ArticleHousing crisis requires creative thinking
Waterfront luxury condos aren't the path to affordable housing.EDITORIAL Does the construction of brand new high-end towers represent the only possible opportunity for new affordable housing in San...
View ArticleStreetcar standoff
Muni sickout echoes earlier labor clashes and economic inequitiesHarry Bridges, president of the International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union (ILWU), addresses a mass meeting in San Francisco, 1965....
View ArticleShrimp Boy denied bail
Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow, who has a criminal history in Chinese gangs and was indicted along with Sen. Leland Yee and a slew of others in a high-profile FBI operation, was denied bail June 11.Read more »
View ArticleFogged in
Brave summer souls take to Jones' expansive patioA neon equivocation at jonesTHE WEEKNIGHTERWeekends are for amateurs. Weeknights are for pros. That's why each week Broke-Ass Stuart...
View ArticleCity College's accreditors bow to pressure, amend rules to save CCSF
Protesters rally outside of ACCJC meeting in Sacramento. Will the commissions new rules save CCSF? Photo courtesy of AFT 2121Keep City College of San Francisco open, or else.That's the message local...
View ArticleBay Guardian Community Forum! Bikes, buses, and budgets: How to create the...
Join the San Francisco Bay Guardian as we explore the current swirl of challenges and initiatives that will determine how people get around San Francisco. We'll discuss transportation funding measures...
View ArticleLet's do lunch
TABLEHOPPING You'll want to add Aveline to your dining to-do list — and check out all these new options for lunch!Eat your vegetables (at Aveline).PHOTO BY ERIC WOLFINGERculture@sfbg.comRead more »
View ArticleHousing crisis requires creative thinking
Waterfront luxury condos aren't the path to affordable housing.EDITORIAL Does the construction of brand new high-end towers represent the only possible opportunity for new affordable housing in San...
View ArticleStreetcar standoff
Muni sickout echoes earlier labor clashes and economic inequitiesHarry Bridges, president of the International Longshoremen and Warehouse Union (ILWU), addresses a mass meeting in San Francisco, 1965....
View ArticleShrimp Boy denied bail
Raymond "Shrimp Boy" Chow, who has a criminal history in Chinese gangs and was indicted along with Sen. Leland Yee and a slew of others in a high-profile FBI operation, was denied bail June 11.Read more »
View ArticleFogged in
Brave summer souls take to Jones' expansive patioA neon equivocation at jonesTHE WEEKNIGHTERWeekends are for amateurs. Weeknights are for pros. That's why each week Broke-Ass Stuart...
View ArticleCity College's accreditors bow to pressure, amend rules to save CCSF
Protesters rally outside of ACCJC meeting in Sacramento. Will the commission's new rules save CCSF? Photo courtesy of AFT 2121Keep City College of San Francisco open, or else.That's the message local...
With over 40 feature films in the official selection, the 13th Annual San Francisco Documentary Film Festival (SF DocFest) once again showcases the best documentaries from around the globe and around...
View ArticleThe World Cup is almost here! Where are you gonna watch?
The World Cup runs June 12-July 13. Will the US make it out of its group? Will Cristiano Ronaldo get past the (alleged) curse upon his injured knee? Will Neymar Jr. debut a new hairstyle in front of...
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