A show a day: Your fall music calendar
The sweet sounds of Foxygen will fill the Fillmore Oct. 24.PHOTO BY CARA ROBBINSWhat's going on in Bay Area music these next three months? Glad you asked. Like a daily multivitamin wards off the...
View ArticlePredicting earthquakes, from 14-year-old prophets to train-stopping...
A youngster rides his scooter over a sidewalk buckled by an earthquake Sunday, Aug. 24, 2014, in Napa, Calif. A large earthquake caused significant damage and left at least three critically injured in...
View ArticleRanks of opposition to 16th and Mission development grow as Plaza 16 pushes...
Photo courtesy of Plaza 16In the sea of nonprofit leaders, career organizers, and rabblerousers, one old man put the Mission's struggle into context, last night [Thu/28]. It was a majority Latino...
View ArticleChuck Prophet to Scott Wiener: Shut the fuck up about Duboce Triangle
Chuck Prophet: Not that into condos.Musician and historically outspoken SF resident Chuck Prophet, who'll be gracing us with his brand of ramblin' rock and roll at this year's Hardly Strictly Bluegrass...
View ArticleFrom tanks to scooters: The top five most and least intimidating SFPD vehicles
Photo courtesy of SFPD via http://www.policecarwebsite.net/Our news feature story this week covered the militarization of police departments across the country, including the SFPD, and how the easy...
View ArticleSF-style cycletracks may spread throughout California under approved legislation
Cycletracks, like those on Market Street, could soon start appearing in more California cities.Mike Koozmin/SF Print Media Co.San Francisco-style cycletracks — bike lanes physically separated from...
View ArticlePsychic Dream Astrology: September 3 - 9, 2014
September 3-9, 2014ARIESMarch 21-April 19You can make your vision happen, but if you don't want your success to be a flash in the pan then you need to get methodological, and fast. The stronger your...
View ArticleRep Clock: September 3 - 9, 2014
Schedules are for Wed/3-Tue/9 except where noted. Director and year are given when available. Double features marked with a •. All times pm unless otherwise specified.Read more »
View ArticleBrunch o'clock
TABLEHOPPING Ready to add some new bodacious brunch options to your rotation o' haunts? Let's do this.Hollandaise for days at Big 4culture@sfbg.comBRUNCH MESoMa's Darwin Café (212 Ritch, SF....
View ArticleThe sound of America
Hits and history mix in 'Motown the Musical'Krisha Marcano (as Florence Ballard), Allison Semmes (Diana Ross), and Trisha Jeffrey (Mary Wilson) in Motown the MusicalPHOTO BY JOAN...
View ArticleNo place like home
Saya Woolfalk culminates seven years of virtual civilization in 'ChimaTEK'Saya Woolfalk's installation Aerial Display (Blossoming)PHOTO COURTESY OF SAYA WOOLFALK AND THIRD STREAMING...
View ArticleSalvation
THE WEEKNIGHTER Papusas save the day (and the hangover) at Balompie Cafe.Balompie's pupusas cure allPHOTO BY BROOKE GINNARDculture@sfbg.comTHE WEEKNIGHTER How is it already eight years ago that Nick...
View ArticleKiesza storms the pop scene at the Rickshaw Stop
Kiesza at the Rickshaw Stop Aug. 28.All photos by Elysha OmoomyBy Rob GoszkowskiIt’s entirely possible that Kiesza outgrew her gig at the Rickshaw Stop a few minutes after it was booked. Those in...
View ArticleHe hates these cans! How helping Muni becomes hating nonprofits
He hates these cans! Or rather, Wiener hates these nonprofits!While I’m reluctant to give this self-serving poverty pimp any more attention or web traffic, it’s hard to ignore the latest misleading hit...
View ArticleTaking a cue from SF, California Legislature bans plastic bags and offers...
California has become the second state in the country to ban single-use plastic bags.California lawmakers took two big steps forward last week, passing a statewide plastic bag ban and a measure...
View ArticleNorquist, tech titans, and whether Burning Man is positively affecting society
As went the Animal Farm, so goes Burning Man.Ralph SteadmanIs Burning Man really making Bay Area technology titans, right-wing ideologues, and other uber-capitalists more community-minded? Do they...
View ArticleSchools not prisons
Support Prop. 47OPINION Jay-Z doesn't usually make political endorsements.But at a recent concert in Los Angeles, he took the rare and unexpected step of endorsing a California ballot initiative....
View ArticleVoters still in the dark on campaign funding
A legislative attempt to shed light on major funders of political campaign ads died in Sacramento last week, and the politics surrounding its demise reflect a split between groups who are normally...
View ArticleLocal love: Fresh fall jams from Cathedrals, Terry Malts, The Seshen, and more
The Seshen's long-awaited EP drops Oct. 6.You know that feeling where, if you see one more headline about how all the artists and musicians have fled San Francisco and the city's dead and we should all...
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