Music Listings: August 28-September 13, 2013
WEDNESDAY 28ROCKBottom of the Hill: 1233 17th St., San Francisco. Whirr, Nothing, Lycus, 9 p.m., $10.Cafe Du Nord: 2170 Market, San Francisco. Everest, White Dove, The Iron Heart, Aaron Lee Tasjan, 8...
View ArticleThe Selector: August 28-September 3, 2013
WEDNESDAY 28The TroublemakerHey, daddy-o! While other outdoor movie nights program known crowd pleasers (and hey, nothing wrong with that — who doesn't love 1980's Xanadu under the stars?), trust the...
View ArticleLive Shots: Black Sabbath at Shoreline Amphitheatre
Reunions can be hit or miss.Maybe it’s been too long, maybe you’ve lost your chops, maybe you’re getting old and things just aren’t working the way they used to. Maybe your drummer doesn’t want to...
View ArticleSolomon: What the assault on whistleblowers has to do with Syria
Norman Solomon is co-founder of and founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. His books include “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.”...
View ArticleMission eviction leaves activists without a home base
Housing activists turned up outside the office of landlord Rick Holman earlier this year.Photo by Eviction Free SummerMission residents who abruptly lost their battle against eviction Aug. 27 were...
View ArticleParty Radar: Burning Mom, Disco Daddy, Hardkiss Brothers, Delroy Edwards,...
You might just hear Foxy at Disco Daddy on Sun/1 at the Eagle"Underground" doesn't just mean night, doesn't just mean music, doesn't just mean hip/trendy byword. If you want a jolt of that...
View ArticleLive Review: My Bloody Valentine’s SF show feels like something beamed in...
Up close with MBV.Swirling guitars… cooing vocals… that all-engulfing wall of noise. It's difficult to describe My Bloody Valentine's sound without veering into borderline erotica, and understandably...
View ArticleFall films to look forward too ... and new movies to see tonight!
OMG! Concert film 'One Direction: This Is Us' is out now!PHOTO BY CHRISTIE GOODWINClick this way for my Fall Film Preview, presented as part of this weeks Fall Arts spectacular. With bonus photo of...
View Article12 tweets McLovin' and McHatin' the East Bay's #FastFoodStrike
East Bay fast food workers strike outside of a McDonald's and Taco Bell.Image courtesy of Wendy Bloom, @RebelNurseWorkers from about 30 fast food restaurants in the East Bay rallied for higher pay...
View ArticleExtra! Extra! Calling all Nebraska Cornhuskers!
By Bruce B. BrugmannHow to watch the Nebraska vs. Wyoming game at 5 p.m today on 403 cable in SF (Saturday, Aug. 31, 2013).Well, today, first game day at the University of Nebraska/Lincoln, I...
View ArticleRep Clock: August 27 - September 3, 2013
Schedules are for Wed/28-Tue/3 except where noted. Director and year are given when available. Double and triple features marked with a •. All times pm unless otherwise specified.ARTISTS' TELEVISION...
View ArticleThe Selector: August 27 - September 3, 2013
WEDNESDAY 8/28 The TroublemakerHey, daddy-o! While other outdoor movie nights program known crowd pleasers (and hey, nothing wrong with that — who doesn't love 1980's Xanadu under the stars?), trust...
View ArticlePop the lid
TABLEHOPPING Oakland eats and ramen burgers (uh huh). And hey, it's time for an oyster partay.Jars away: Petit Pot's packed lunchPHOTO BY TABLEHOPPERculture@sfbg.comCHOW NOWLet's all take a moment and...
View ArticleWhere the art is
FALL ARTS: VISUAL ARTS The season's must-see gallery and museum showsPhoto bombshell: Untitled by Sandy KimCOURTESY OF EVER GOLD GALLERYarts@sfbg.comFALL ARTS If advance schedules and press releases...
View ArticleMusic Listings: August 28-September 13, 2013
WEDNESDAY 28ROCKBottom of the Hill: 1233 17th St., San Francisco. Whirr, Nothing, Lycus, 9 p.m., $10.Cafe Du Nord: 2170 Market, San Francisco. Everest, White Dove, The Iron Heart, Aaron Lee Tasjan, 8...
View ArticleThe Selector: August 28-September 3, 2013
WEDNESDAY 28The TroublemakerHey, daddy-o! While other outdoor movie nights program known crowd pleasers (and hey, nothing wrong with that — who doesn't love 1980's Xanadu under the stars?), trust the...
View ArticleLive Shots: Black Sabbath at Shoreline Amphitheatre
Reunions can be hit or miss.Maybe it’s been too long, maybe you’ve lost your chops, maybe you’re getting old and things just aren’t working the way they used to. Maybe your drummer doesn’t want to...
View ArticleSolomon: What the assault on whistleblowers has to do with Syria
Norman Solomon is co-founder of and founding director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. His books include “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death.”...
View ArticleMission eviction leaves activists without a home base
Housing activists turned up outside the office of landlord Rick Holman earlier this year.Photo by Eviction Free SummerMission residents who abruptly lost their battle against eviction Aug. 27 were...
View ArticleParty Radar: Burning Mom, Disco Daddy, Hardkiss Brothers, Delroy Edwards,...
You might just hear Foxy at Disco Daddy on Sun/1 at the Eagle"Underground" doesn't just mean night, doesn't just mean music, doesn't just mean hip/trendy byword. If you want a jolt of that...
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